This Case Study is about my A11Y For Designers website. It focuses on how to create an inclusive website for accessibility.

    Illustrated image of women watering a brain full of flowers.

    I have never created a website before for accessibility design so it was challenging yet rewarding to learn how to do it.

    It was successful because it has all the features to be a successful accessibility website that people can learn from.

    Illustrated image of women watering a brain full of flowers.
    Illustrated image of a man and woman signing to each other with sign language.
    Illustrated image of man sitting at desk reading brail.
    Illustrated image of live screen meeting.
    Illustrated image of man and woman next to large screens with wheelchair, no volume image, and no site image.
    Illustrated image of camera for zoom computer meetings.
    jQuery(document).ready(function($) { $('.wcag').attr('aria-label', 'button to a wcag website'); $('.webaim').attr('aria-label', 'button to a webaim website'); $('.a11yproject').attr('aria-label', 'button to a a11yproject website'); $('.dequeuniversity').attr('aria-label', 'button to a dequeuniversity website'); $('.accessibilitydeveloper').attr('aria-label', 'button to a accessibilitydeveloper website'); $('.googleaccessibility').attr('aria-label', 'button to a googleaccessibility website'); });