This Case Study is about my A11Y For Designers website. It focuses on how to create an inclusive website for accessibility.
I have never created a website before for accessibility design so it was challenging yet rewarding to learn how to do it.
It was successful because it has all the features to be a successful accessibility website that people can learn from.
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
$('.wcag').attr('aria-label', 'button to a wcag website');
$('.webaim').attr('aria-label', 'button to a webaim website');
$('.a11yproject').attr('aria-label', 'button to a a11yproject website');
$('.dequeuniversity').attr('aria-label', 'button to a dequeuniversity website');
$('.accessibilitydeveloper').attr('aria-label', 'button to a accessibilitydeveloper website');
$('.googleaccessibility').attr('aria-label', 'button to a googleaccessibility website');